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I can’t get the windows installer to download. Anyone have the same issue that could give some advice? Cheers

You should be able to download it, check if you have some antivirus blocking the download. You can also download the library from GitHub:

thank you. I’m quite new to programming but I’m guessing downloading the library from GitHub is fairly straightforward so will give that a go.

How hard would it be to make a story-driven strategy game in this?


raylib is a C library focused on code writing, the possibilities depend a lot on the programmer capabilities and interest in enjoying the coding process and learning along it. In any case, you can try it and decide if it fits your needs.

Cool. But how to build a raylib project under PSP?


Here there is a script and some instructions:


i'm not good in c and raylib but still i love c and raylib

Nice! If you keep using it you will definitely get better at it! 👍😄

Would recommend making the download a .zip file, windows has all kind of issues with the .exe download.  I was able to download after multiple lines of questioning.... anyways, wish me luck with it, I'll give it a try.

Great project!

Thanks! 😄

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now, the question is : how to use it with C# ?

Because, those who produce nugget packages for VS have troubles to stay updated... And when it is done, it lack some libs.

And in order to use it with a C# project, we need a .dll, not a .h

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just find a binding for it

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The Raylib website gives you a hyperlink to the Raylib-cs C# binding — which, according to a French course I follow (from Gamecodeur), is both official and reliable.

Also see the hyperlink to the list of bindings at the same page, in case you are interested.

bienvenu au club gamecodeur.

ceci dit, la lib n'est pas à jour de raylib 5.5.

Ah tiens, j’ai bien fait de mentionner Gamecodeur, alors, ça fait plaisir de tomber sur quelqu’un de là-bas dans le coin. ;) (Ça m’est aussi arrivé à GMTK 2022 !)

En effet, que 5.0 selon la liste… Selon David Mekersa, Raylib-cs est tout de même actif et tente de se tenir à jour. Après, je ne sais pas combien de temps cela leur prend ; j’imagine que faire un tour sur le dépôt Git de Raylib-cs peut te donner une idée.
Personnellement, j’utilise le Raylib d’origine en C, alors je suis tranquille. ;) (Je viens d’ailleurs de voir qu’il manque le prototype de la nouvelle fonction GetKeyName qui permet de gérer les claviers hors QWERTY, je vais suggérer de voire corriger cela. :))

(For English speakers, because I think of you, while some of you do not think of our AZERTY keyboards. ;))
Indeed, only 5.0 according to the list… According to David Mekersa, Raylib-cs is still active and tries to keep up to date. Now, I do not know how long this takes them; I guess visiting the Raylib-cs Git repository can give you an idea.
I for one use the original Raylib in C, so I do not have to worry. ;) (I have just seen that the prototype for the new function GetKeyName, which allows you to handle non-QWERTY keyboard layouts, is missing, I am going to suggest fixing that or even do it. :))

j'avais eu une grosse discussion avec JeFF, sur le discord Raylib, justement au suget de la gestion des touches, mais en particulier des keycodes et eventkey.

il avait prévu quelques ajouts aussi, de ce côté là.

Ah, justement, je viens de découvrir aujourd’hui qu’il y a apparemment une prise en compte imminente des touches logiques qui s’annonce. :)
Si JeFF = JeffM2501, alors tout fait sens. ^^ En tout cas, bien content de voir que cela va être pris en compte (et étonné que cela ne figure pas dans la feuille de route de Raylib !).

Ray, I love your project. I have been obsessed with it ever since it was the first library to ever let me put things that I made onto the screen from a single file. As of late, I am especially curious on how you built the installer itself!


stumbled upon randomly on my yt feed, now searching for games made with raylib - would reccomend adding a showcase link here 


Oh wow, 10th Anniversary! Congratulations!! 🥂


Thanks! 😄

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